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I Was A Hero

I Was A Hero


A hero who never splilled blood,
A hero who showed love,
I was a hero
A hero who didn't fight back
A hero who stepped back,
A hero that was never on billboards,
On news bulleting, or never trended.

I was hero never known,
A hero who fought battles inside,
All alone, dying inside
And smiling outside,
I was a hero though many
Saw me as a loser,
A hero fit to be a fool!

I was a hero
Who battled with my own thoughts,
With my own feelings,
Do you know how it feels?
Do you have a slight idea
Of how it feels to handle pain?
No one ever saw that but i was a hero!

I accompanied the night
To the day,
How could i sleep when war faced me
Or rather when i faced war?
They uttered so many words around me,
Telling me that i allowed it
Who could warmly invite pain?

They never understood
That in me there is a fighter
A warrior fighting,
Fighting depression and loss,
Fighting failure and heartbreak,
Fighting for my big break
That's what heros do right?

Have you ever met
The one who boil your heart
And melt your lungs?
Then you lose that person,
A person who meant more than family,
Someone who understood you,
I fought all that pain
I was a hero!

I didn't jump on buildings
To save people like spiderman,
I didn't mend broken ships
To save lives like superman
But i did pick myself up after great tragedies,
I did smile after losses,
I still had self love and loved others,
I was a hero to myself.


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