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Corona Virus Safety

Corona Virus Safety


Boost your immunity to prevent corona virus :

1. Stop Smoking.
2. Stop drinking Alcohol. Only use it in the hand.
3. Take shower everyday (if possible with antibacterial soap or bodywash- dettol, lifeboy)
4. Stay away from cold food - Icecream,cold juice, Ice)
5. Drink lots of water - juice, Hot Soup.
6. Take Vit C rich items (orange juice, lemon, other sour fruits)
7. Sun exposure -vit D
8. Maintain frequent hand wash, hand sanitation (alcohol based hand rub)
9. Eat properly boiled food specially for egg, chicken
10. Keep your asthma, copd, Diabetes, HTN in control.
11. Take heart-healthy food.

During Flu: (After the attack)
1. Paracetamol( Xpa-Xr/ace plus/napa extend/ napa extra/Napa rapid)
2. Antihistamin( fexo, rupa, alatrol, deslor,ketotifen)
3. Steam inhalation-plain tape water or saline water, you can add menthol, chamomile, purnava espirer, essential oil)by a vaporizer or by a ketley.
4. Gurgle with salt water.
5. Norsol nasal drop
4. Use seperate toilet or if not possible, clean your toilet regularly
5. Use mask.
6. Cover face during sneezing abd coughing.use tissue paper and discard is a waste container with lid.
4. Stay away (atleast 3 feet) from your near and dear ones and also stay away from other flu patient.
5. Stop kissing, hugs.

দূরে থেকে ভালোবাসা প্রমান করুন। এটাই আসল ভালোবাসা যে আপনার ভালেবাসার মানুষ থাকুক সুরক্ষিত।

Corona virus is a super spreader. it can attack anybody but it can't kill everybody. Your immunity can save you from death.

- Dr. Tamanna Tabassum


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