Our mySQL Server Is Under maintenance!
Please Wait, Stay Tuned!
We will be back Shortly!

Incident Update: #3

We are still working on it. We were informed that the network is not stable yet. We expect to log on to the servers once it is stable. They are still replacing the power lines and drives and continuing to set up the routes by assigning the IP tables. We are still waiting for this to be sorted out. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Incident Update: #2

We were informed that, The power was restored but surges caused damage to servers power lines. Severe weather in Dallas caused a complete power failure at the datacenter that we use @ Prime Datacenter Dallas, TX. Some needing simple reboots and some needing drive or power supply replacement. Most of the servers are back online but some are still down. We are working to get them back up as soon as possible.

Incident Update: #1

Dear FDians, On Sunday, May-26-2024 the datacenter that we use, had a power outage due to severe weather. The entire datacenter lost power causing thousands of servers to go down including the ones we own.

We were told that there was damage to power lines and they are working to resolve this. We see that most of our service has been restored (Apache / Tomcat) but there still are a few Racks (mySQL) which are not online.

We have been and continue to work on this.

The situation was beyond our control and weather related. Dallas faced severe weather on May-26-24 which caused this outage.

Our Racks are still coming online and the only thing we can do is patiently wait. We are doing our best to back the site online.

Again, very sorry for the inconvenience.

(C) Friendsdiary.NeT , RockerAppStudio - 2024